This combination is the most comfortable one for me. One of the earliest T shirts that I own many many many years ago was a raglan and I have been a "raglaner" since then. Easily said, I am more of myself when I am in these, and with a comfortable pair of platform shoes...I am set to go free. Well, to answer your question Win, I guess those jerseys are also in the raglan cateogory, but maybe not the sweaters. But to me, a raglan needs to have that diagonal cut near the shoulders. It somehow gives the rugged and carefree look to the T Shirt and the wearer, at least physically. So now you wear to imagine huh.
wow..wow you all got time to talk about fashion and facial stuff...saja je..pempoan tu assetkan..
cikwin..rasanya jersey tu utk sportman.. bukan ke pemain bolasepak selalu pakai..
btw..mimi I know your senior colleage..yg dtg visit you..reminds me my 'temporary home' down under..
Thanks for inviting..wait till I have loads of money..
Well its spring now down under and in Kiwi land...so we get to wear blouses instead of sweaters...KP, nanti bila visit Mimi jgn lupa fly over to Chch pulak...dengarnya Prof Mansur (dekan KAED UIA) and Prof Ahris (UTM) are coming over for a holiday here this weekend...ok Mimi, Selamat Aidilfitri and Maaf Zahir Batin from me and family..
Win, I memang niat nak contact prof Ahris UTM tu. If u happen to meet him, pls mention abotu me ok. I have his email tapi belum sedia nak start the contact yet. Thanks Win. U bila nak turun sini? I am going back to Msia in Nov till Dec. Haven't I told u already?
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